Financing Guide Step 6 - The Final Stretch: Your Guide to a Stress-Free Real Estate Closing Process

Exciting news awaits – your mortgage file is now ready to close! Congratulations on reaching this significant milestone in your financing journey with Inclusive Properties. As we embark on the final steps of the closing process, our commitment to making this experience straightforward and stress-free remains unwavering.

3/6/20241 min read

Navigating the Closing Process: A Quick Guide

Step 1: Coordinate Your Closing Date

The first key step is to coordinate with your Real Estate Agent, the Seller, and Title to determine a suitable closing date. Once decided, inform us, and our team will work diligently to schedule the closing accordingly.

Step 2: Review Closing Documents

Title will be sending you the closing documents for your review. Take the time to carefully examine each document, ensuring accuracy and completeness. Should you have any questions or notice anything requiring updates, our team is here to provide the assistance you need.

Step 3: Prepare for Funds Transfer

To ensure a seamless closing process, be prepared to wire the necessary funds. Title will guide you on the exact amount and acceptable forms of payment. Having these funds ready is crucial for a smooth transition to closing.

Our Team is Here for You

Your success is our priority, and we want this closing experience to be a celebration of your achievements.

man in blue denim jacket holding clear drinking glass
man in blue denim jacket holding clear drinking glass